
The restoration ratio critical for counteracting elevated stress

The restoration ratio critical for counteracting elevated stress

In the dynamic landscape of the modern world, our stress activation and restoration patterns are undergoing a shift. Factors like escalating work and life demands, heightened uncertainties, and blurred lines between professional and personal spheres contribute to this evolving scenario. In this latest article, we delve into the intricacies of our 'activation zones' and decipher the optimal time needed in the restoration zones to effectively counterbalance stress.

How to stress less... about stress

How to stress less... about stress

While it may seem counterintuitive, stress isn't the enemy of peak performance and wellbeing. Although studies link stress to negative impacts on performance, productivity, health, and relationships, traditional "stress management" falls short in addressing the expanding stress crisis. We need more than mere management; we must aim to master stress for our health, performance, and relationships.