Now is the time for Self-Care

For so many Victorians out there you're thinking "here we go again..."

Yes, it's another lockdown. For so many this presents a real mental challenge. Even those who managed to skillfully navigate their way through previous lockdowns, the thought of another will no doubt present some complexity.

We encourage you to take a positive mindset into this lockdown, for as long as it may last. This isn't easy for everyone, but all we can do is try our best.

Practising self-care can be a way to buffer the mental and logistical challenges that come with the lockdown. If you are one of the fortunate ones and feel on top of things, now could be a time to capitalise on the extra time you may have.

When it comes to self-care we'd like to provide some simple tips. See if you can challenge yourself with one or more of these over the next 7 days. They will boost your mood, energy and spirit, carrying you through to the light at the end of the tunnel!

TIP 1 - NOURISH - Eat More Vegetables and Fruit and Stay Hydrated

Previous lockdowns have seen an increase in sugar and alcohol consumption. “Hara hachi bun me” - As the Japanese principle goes “Eat until you are 80% full”. Everything in moderation....except for the fruit and veg! Try and up the intake of vegetables (at least 5 serves of veg per day) and minimise your intake of meat. Stay hydrated and drink 2 to 3 litres of water per day. Consume alcohol mindfully and in moderation, if you decide you want a drink at all.

TIP 2 - MOVE - Put Your Runners At The End Of Your Bed

One thing permitted during lockdown is exercise. Our data shows us that approximately 50% of people tell us that time is a barrier to exercising at a level that positively contributes to our health, wellbeing and performance potential. Use your time wisely! Putting your runners at the end of the bed is a little hack to help make it easier to get out there and move.

TIP 3 - STRESS MASTERY - Breathe More Consciously

On average we take 23,060 breaths a day. We take most of them unconsciously. Breathing into our diaphragm (think just under your ribs) both fuels us with energy and clears and calms mind and body. Breathing this way for a couple of minutes per day as a regular part of your routine is like a pre-season training exercise for coming back to work fresh and focused. And if you’ve ever heard someone tell you to take a few deep breaths when you expressed stress or frustration, it was wise advice. Breathing consciously, slowly, and into your diaphragm will help you to navigate the stress of lockdown more effectively. (In fact, research shows us it’s breathing in this way that has a hugely beneficial impact on balancing the activation and relaxation of our central nervous system.) Try Dr. Adrian Medhursts entry level breathing practice.

TIP 4 - MINDFUL ACTION - Intention. Presence. Receptiveness.

Be receptive and open to what’s happening around you, and curiously engaged in the moments of your day rather than being preoccupied wondering when lockdown will end. Consider going for an 'Awe walk'. This is the activity of getting outside and taking notice of all the small and wonderful things around us.

Avoid as much media as you can. 'Doom Scrolling' was a thing in the last lockdown. Most of the news we consume will only fuel our negativity bias.

TIP 5 - CONNECT - Keep It Real

Tell the people you love that you love them. Do it often.

Reach out to people. If you feel courageous enough, attend to and improve or mend even just one relationship where you see an opportunity for strengthening your connections with others (or finally letting go of some baggage that might otherwise be weighing you down). Don’t be afraid to let toxic relationships end.

TIP 6 - GROW - Strengthen Your Capability And Explore Your Potential

Everyone who navigated their way through previous lockdowns will have grown and learned something about themselves. Reflect. What worked for you previously? How did you grow? How did you get through it?

Is this lockdown an opportunity to learn something new. Maybe it’s learning how to say the equivalent of “I love you” in as many different languages as you can. It could be literally anything that takes you into new territory and stimulates your mind.

TIP 7 - REST - Put Your Feet Up

Try and use this time to work on your sleep routine. Getting good rest is critical for a healthy mind. Is this an opportunity to improve your sleep routine? The Sleep Foundation is a great resource for tips on improving the quality of your sleep and rest.

TIP 8 - WORK - Your environment matters

Working from either hate it or love it. No matter what camp you fall into, please consider setting your workspace up effectively. This is not easy for everyone. Just try your best.

  • Try and find some natural light.
  • Keep your work area as clean as possible
  • Check-in on a work colleague once a day
  • Create a separation from your work at the end of the day. If you are working from the lounge or dining room, try your best to literally 'shut down' at the end of your day.
  • Stretch and move at least every 30 minutes. Even just for a minute or two. This 10 minute workout is one you can do at your desk or anywhere at home.

Don't forget to breathe

You will get through this. Don't give up. Support people around you who may need help. Take time to breathe. You can access a 5 count breathing animation on the link below.

Please make the most of our resources at Benny Button.

Please reach out to us by emailing if you or your team would like further support.